Zig Zag Slot Machine Method

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There are numerous strategies for winning at the casino, and the zig zag system for slot machines is one of the more famous options available to players. Some gamers swear by this method, while others dismiss it as yet another in a long line of misguided superstitions. In this article, I’ll explain how the zig zag method is supposed to work, as well as provide my opinions on whether or not it’s worth your time.

The Origin of the Term “Zig Zag”

The creation of the system’s name is shrouded in mystery, so anyone looking for the exact origin of the term “zig zag” will need to keep searching. There are, however, two likely options. The first somewhat describes the path the player takes through the casino, zigging and zagging through the slot machine aisles in search of machines that meet the system’s requirements. The second option has to do with the symbol configurations on the slots, since the player is looking for certain symbols aligned in a zig zag pattern. Then again, the name of this so-called system may refer to Zig Zag rolling papers, as whoever came up with the method must have been seriously stoned.

How the Zig Zag System Works

The goal of the zig zag system for slots is to find a machine that’s about to get “hot.” Proponents of this method sing its praises because (a) it takes little time or preparation, and (b) you don’t need to know anything about the various slot machines in the casino. Here’s how it works:

The player walks the floor of the casino, examining the various slot machine screens. While the zig zag was created to be used with old school three-reel slots, the method can also be applied to more modern versions of the game. In either case, the player is looking for losing screens where the same symbol has turned up on multiple reels, just not in a winning configuration. According to the system, this means that these symbols are close to lining up, and the next player to insert money will stand a strong chance of winning a big payday.

Zig zag rolling machine

According to the zig zag system, here are the patterns you need to look out for. Again, keep in mind that the zig zag was developed for traditional three-reel slots, so spotting these patterns on modern video slots will be more difficult.

The V Pattern – The non-winning matching symbols form a sort of “V” on the reels. This could mean that reels one and three have the symbols on the winning line, while the same symbol on reel two is just below. Or, it could mean that reel two has a specific symbol on the winning line, with the same symbols just above on reels one and three.

The Diagonal Pattern – This is the most common pattern found when applying the zig zag system. As the name implies, the player is searching for matching, non-winning symbols that either move from the top left to the bottom right or the top right to the bottom left.

Zig Zag Rolling Machine

The Diamond Pattern – The most coveted of all the patterns in the zig zag method, the diamond is formed by the same symbol on paylines one and three, plus an additional pair of the same symbols above and below the payline on reel two. The odds of this configuration turning up are slim.

Why the Zig Zag System Doesn’t Work

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the zig zag system for slot machines doesn’t work. This can be blamed on the random number generators present in all slot machines, a device which ensures that every spin will be independent of one another. Just because symbols turn up in a specific array on one spin doesn’t mean that the next spin will be similar.

Singer Zig Zag Sewing Machine

Beware of Shysters and Con Artists

It should come as no surprise that legions of individuals are roaming the Internet looking to cheat you out of your hard-earned money. Some do this by utilizing computer viruses to steal your credit card information, while others prefer to concoct schemes about Nigerian royalty to take advantage of the gullible. There are also those who make a living selling slot machine systems.

Zig Zag Sewing Machines

I came across one product, for example, that was supposed to reveal all the inside information about the zig zag system, courtesy of a Las Vegas showgirl. While the implication that a dancer and/or Vegas resident would somehow have greater insight into the world of gambling is silly enough, the $19.95 price tag takes the matter to new levels of absurdity. Just imagine paying nearly $20 for the information I’ve provided for free (and I’m not even a showgirl).

Industrial Zig Zag Machine

Don’t give your cash to con artists looking to make a quick buck. Instead, pump that money into your favorite slot machine, then cross your fingers and hope for the best.